Tips & Tricks

Here are our best tips for getting the most out of your cutters

Tips and Trick for getting the most out of your cutters

Try chilling your dough, rolling it thinner and dipping your cutter in flour before cutting. If it is stuck in thin parts of the cutter use a blunt tool to carefully remove it.

Try chilling your dough or flouring your work surface

Firstly, are you using our no-spread recipie? Try rolling your dough out thinner and chilling at least 30 minutes before baking.

If using your own recipie, try using less 'wet' ingredients (this includes sugar!)

Lower oven temperature - Too high a temperature will melt the butter too quickly before the dough begins to bake.

Over-greasing your baking sheet - Using oil or any non-stick greasing can cause the dough to spread

Over Mixing - It is possible to over mix your dough, stop mixing as soon as the butter and sugar are combined!

For cookies and biscuits, we find 6-8mm to be perfect!

Very! Absolutely do not skip this step

Wash in warm, soapy water only. Use a toothbrush to remove dough from small areas.

Never place your cutters in the dishwasher!